Nagios XI Tutorials

Changing the XI Virtual Machine Network Configuration


By default the Nagios XI virtual machine is set to obtain an IP address via DHCP. If you need to use a static IP, or change the DNS name for the machine, you’ll need to run a special configuration tool.

Current Version

Last Release Date

June 16, 2010

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To change the virtual machine network configuration settings, follow these steps:

1. Login to the machine as the root user

2. Install the system network configuration TUI

yum install -y system-config-network-tui

3. Run the system network config tool from the command line


The config tool allows you to change the DNS information and network card settings on the virtual machine.

4. Once you've made the appropriate changes in the configuration tool, run these commands from the command line to activate the virtual machine's network card with the updated configuration.

ifdown eth0
ifup eth0

5. You can verify the network settings by using the ifconfig command like this:

ifconfig eth0

That's it!

A quick video that takes you through the process of running the network configuration tool is available below.

Important: If has been observed that sometimes the system-config-network or nmtui tool removes the localhost entries from the /etc/hosts file. In order to fix the issue, edit your /etc/hosts file and make sure there are localhost entries. For example:    localhost.localdomain    localhost.localdomain    localhost4    localhost4.localdomain4    localhost    xi-c6x-x64
::1    localhost.localdomain    localhost.localdomain    localhost6    localhost6.localdomain6    localhost    xi-c6x-x64
For more information, review the document below:

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