Seedcamp 2010



It’s a supporting service for Nagios, which enables the Nagios Admin {& Contact.cfg’s Moderator} to ACK any Alert/Notification mailed to them by just forwarding that mail to a mail-id owned by them.
Currently this service supports only GMail IDs; and a single ID can be used for multiple Nagios Servers.

Edited to v1.1
Change: there was an issue with Service Script’s wrong Status being shown… it got fixed in v1.1

Current Version


Last Release Date

May 31, 2010

Compatible With

  • Nagios 2.x
  • Nagios 3.x


Project Files
Project Notes
We all know that Nagios has this nice feature of Alerts/Notifications being mailed to Contacts specified in configuration file. To ACK these Notifications currently there are two main ways: [] Admin need the Nagios Web Interface to ack the alert, not a god idea to link Nagios Server (with internal details) to Public Network [] Install service like ProcMail, etc. and act like a MX and run your own MailBox on that machine to receive direct ack via mail I just tweaked the 2nd option to a much easy and quick alternative of using any existing Mail Service to receive ACK mails and check that mailBox instead. We'll be assigning a unique NagiosID to each of our Nagios Server and that will be mentioned in the Ruby Script installed. Then any Admin to ACK the Alert; will Prefix the generated Forwarding Mail Subject with that NagiosID and Space; and forward it to the desired Mail-Id which is configured in Script to listen to. This will help Service identify the ACK MAil for its box. What we are providing here is a simple service entirely scripted in Ruby; that runs as a daemon and checks for a mails recieved at a specified Mail-ID; if the subject has its NagiosID... it removes the mail from InBox; moves it to a Nagios Label and Acknowledged the Notification on Server.
Reviews (4) Add a Review
Not working
by JohnFLi1, July 31, 2014

it is not getting the emails from my gmail account. Had to manaully follow what the install script did so I knew what and where to put the various files. WHen starting the service I get the message: [root@centos65 nagMailAck]# /usr/lib/ruby/1.8/net/imap.rb:905:in `connect': SSL_connect SYSCALL returned=5 errno=0 state=SSLv2/v3 read server hello A (OpenSSL::SSL::SSLError) from /usr/lib/ruby/1.8/net/imap.rb:905:in `initialize' from /usr/local/bin/nagMailAck/nagMailACK.rb:96:in `new' from /usr/local/bin/nagMailAck/nagMailACK.rb:96 from /usr/local/bin/nagMailAck/nagMailACK.rb:94:in `loop' from /usr/local/bin/nagMailAck/nagMailACK.rb:94 I can only assume that isnt suppose to happen. Any ideas?

Works well with some modifications
by roman_empire, September 30, 2013

Thank you for a very useful script! Here is what I've modified to make it working: Removed the following strings from nagMailAck file: elif [ ! -e $nagPath/ ]; then echo " not found @"$nagPath"/" exit 1 Modified nagMailACK.rb file to suit our Nagios alert message subject in "composing acknowledgement string for nagios.cmd" part.

by upengan78, August 31, 2012

Great plugin. Worked at my end on RHEL 6 and I can acknowledge fine. Only trouble I have at the moment is when I start the /etc/init.d script it doesn't say OKAY. It shows FAILED but in reality service is started. /etc/init.d/nagMailAck stop Stopping Nagios Mail ACK ----- root@server:~ # 10:29 AM]/etc/init.d/nagMailAck start Starting Nagios Mail ACK : command not foundailAck/ line 1: -----root@server:~ # 10:29 AM] [FAILED]

by ammilligan, August 31, 2010

Thanks for putting this together. I had to modify it for my organization because we use a different format for the email subject.

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