Bull (NEC)



Parses the output of the ftsmaint command into a monitoring plugin format. ftsmaint is a status reporting/changing tool on the fault tolerant machines (ftServers) from Stratus and (I’ve been told) NEC.

Current Version

Last Release Date

February 1, 2010

Compatible With

Project Notes
On a fault tolerant server (*), an unaugmented OS will not become aware of a hardware failure because it will be switched to the spare hardware automatically, so the need to replace failed hardware needs to be monitored separately. On NEC and Stratus ftServers, the "ftsmaint" command will output information on the actual underlying hardware. This plugin executes ftsmaint and condenses the information into the usual plugin API format. (*) Imagine two sets of server hardware, interwoven so as to allow failover for individual *subunits*, and running just *one* OS instance. v0.1 (19-Jan-2010): * Quick-and-dirty version without "--help" or "--version" options. * Scans "State", "Op State" and LEDs' states from the output of "ftsmaint lsLong", *except* network interfaces (which are reported in state "BROKEN" when unused). * Also scans the output of "ftsmaint lsVnd" and makes sure that logical interface bond0 is "ONLINE" and has at least two "DUPLEX UP" physical interfaces. * Also provided are code snippet and templates for n2rrd, to keep the performance data in RRD databases. * ToDo: --help, --version, add more content (temps, fan speeds, ...) to performance data.
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