Check Juniper SA 6500


Monitor Juniper SA 6500 with SNMP

Current Version

Last Release Date

January 29, 2010

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Project Notes
SNMP Juniper 6500 Monitor for Nagios version 0.1 (c)2010 Author: Christophe Sahut Usage: ./ [-v] -H -C [-2] | (-l login -x passwd [-X pass -L |]) [-p ] -T [cpu|memory|swap|disk|clusterusers|nodeusers|meetings|meetingusers|webusers|mailusers] -w -c [-f] [-m] [-t ] [-V] -v, --verbose print extra debugging information (including interface list on the system) -h, --help print this help message -H, --hostname=HOST name or IP address of host to check -C, --community=COMMUNITY NAME community name for the host's SNMP agent (implies SNMP v1 or v2c with option) -2, --v2c Use snmp v2c -l, --login=LOGIN ; -x, --passwd=PASSWD Login and auth password for snmpv3 authentication If no priv password exists, implies AuthNoPriv -X, --privpass=PASSWD Priv password for snmpv3 (AuthPriv protocol) -L, --protocols=, : Authentication protocol (md5|sha : default md5) : Priv protocole (des|aes : default des) -P, --port=PORT SNMP port (Default 161) -T, --type Choose what you want: cpu,memory,swap,disk,clusterusers,nodeusers,meetings,meetingusers,webusers,mailusers -w, --warn=INTEGER warning level Units: percentage for cpu,memory,swap,disk, no unit for others -c, --crit=INTEGER critical level Units: percentage for cpu,memory,swap,disk, no unit for others -f, --perfdata Performance data output -t, --timeout=INTEGER timeout for SNMP in seconds (Default: 5) -V, --version prints version number
Reviews (3) Add a Review
by Stronix, February 28, 2018

Hello, i use your script and i have a little problem with the result of command : check_juniper -H X.X.X.X -C XXXXX -2 -T cpu -w 80 -c 90 The resultat is : Juniper CPU OK - noSuchObject% It's possible to have a value numeric % of charge of CPU ? Thank's you

Error on Nagios 4.0 CentOS 6
by Silva, March 31, 2014

[root@nagios plugins]# /usr/lib64/nagios/plugins/ -H -C H0STL0C4T10N -v 2c -T cpu -w 80 -c 90 Alarm at 15 SNMP v1 login UNKNOWN : Value not given by the appliance: Received noSuchName(2) error-status at error-index 1. [root@nagios plugins]# /usr/lib64/nagios/plugins/ -H -C H0STL0C4T10N -v2 -T cpu -w 80 -c 90 Alarm at 15 SNMP v2c login Argument "noSuchObject" isn't numeric in numeric le (

Works like a charm
by Jona187, April 30, 2010

This is a good script to look for the following: cpu,memory,swap,disk,clusterusers,nodeusers,meetings,meetingusers,webusers,mailusers I highly recommend it.

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