


check_KAV is a DOS plugin for Kaspersky servers (with MSDE 2000) which allow you to get some information (virus, last full scan, license expiration time, last update…) in function of the name of the computer. It works via NRPE and with the NSCLIENT++ installed on the windows server.

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Compatible With

  • Nagios 3.x


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Project Notes
Usage: check_KAV.bat Ex : check_KAV.bat mycomputer 1 7 14 1 - Last Info Update 2 - Virus Count 3 - Last Update 4 - Last Full Scan 5 - Last Visible 6 - Licence Expiration Time HOW TO : On the kasperky host : install NSCLIENT++ NSC.ini : command[check_kav]=c:Progra~1NSClient++pluginscheck_KAV01.bat $ARG1$ $ARG2$ $ARG3$ $ARG4$ WARNING : the plugin can report some unexpected UNKNOWS status (if more than 2 checks are made in the same time), please use my other plugin check_KAV.pl to fix it or be free to modify my plugin :)
Reviews (2) Add a Review
Modified batch file
by Napsty, November 30, 2011

In my case/environment the batch plugin didn't work due to a database instance and probably compatibility bugs in the batch file. I've written a tutorial how the batch file can be adjusted so it works with DB instances: http://www.claudiokuenzler.com/blog/212/Nagios-check-Kaspersky-Server-License-Windows-Server-SQL (Tested on Windows 2003, SQL Express 2005)

how does it work
by remifalcon, July 31, 2009

Your plugin looks very usefull But it doesnt work with me I try to launch the .bat on Windows with the args and a pause at the end. but it doesnt show anything, it crach before the end. Furthemore I am using nrpe to lanch check_kav But how can i pass arguments? ex: $ ./check_nrpe -H -c check_kav hname 1 7 14 ->doesnt work cause it try to put the argument to nrpe! How can i do ? Thanks a lot !

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