Cisco PIX failover status


Plugin to check failover status of a Cisco PIX/ASA cluster.

Current Version

Last Release Date

June 24, 2009

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Project Notes
Plugin to check failover status of a Cisco PIX/ASA cluster. Will report critical if primary or secondary unit has failed, and warning if they have switched place (if the primary unit is standby and the secondary is active). Written in Perl, requires Net::SNMP. You might need to change the line "use lib '/usr/lib/nagios/plugins';" to point to your correct path.
Reviews (2) Add a Review
Seems to work on ASA 5510 (with some tweaking)
by srhart, June 30, 2012

Had to make the following changes to get it to work on an ASA5510 HA pair: Remove: use lib '/usr/lib/nagios/plugins'; use utils qw (%ERRORS $TIMEOUT); Insert: my $TIMEOUT = 15; my %ERRORS=('OK'=>0,'WARNING'=>1,'CRITICAL'=>2,'UNKNOWN'=>3,'DEPENDENT'=>4); Else gives CRITICAL error with (null) response though it works from command line

by rdicaprio, October 31, 2010

Hello, Thanks for this plugin. My concern is about the command line. $USER3$ is my community snmp argument but I would like to know what is "P $SERVICEOUTPUT$". Is there anything I need to do on the ASA to make the plugin working ? When I'm testing the plugin, there no output as shown below: "/usr/local/nagios/libexec/ -H -C MYcommunity -P $SERVICEOUTPUT$" Thanks

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