

Checks the SNMP Operating Status of Interfaces given by the IP Address of the Subinterface. Developed to check for example Cisco Router with many Subinterfaces which possibly might reorganize the SNMP Interface IDs. MySQL Caching included.

Current Version

Last Release Date

June 23, 2009

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Project Notes
This little Perl Plugin, feeded with a hostaddress, snmp community, Sub-Interface IP and the expected return Value, looks into a MySQL DB via Perl::DBI, searching for a caching entry and the stored SNMP Interface ID. After cache lookup it connects via snmpget to the host, asks for the SNMP ID for that SubIF IP Address and the OperStatus. If the DB stored SNMP ID is different from the real SNMP ID it exits with a Warning and update the MySQL DB with the right SNMP ID. The Last Argument is the expected value: 1 = OperStatus up 2 = Operstatus down. Adminstrators with MEP will love the expect, cause the can say that it is Nagios-ok that an Interface is SNMP-DOWN. Testet with: UCD-snmp version: 4.2.3 NET-SNMP version: 5.1
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