Nagios snmp checks using PHP


Scripts made in PHP for usual snmp checks like bandwidth usage, iface status, current transfer rate and more. It’s faster than Perl scripts, and a little more comprehensible :-/

Current Version

Last Release Date

June 23, 2009

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Project Notes
I started using the other SNMP plugins developed in Perl or C, but when our project reached more than 150 snmp checks the system resources lowered until 43% (CPU idle) in a PIII. I tried to made this plugin in PHP using the snmp lib and the results where absolutly grateful (the 43% CPU idle grow up 88% in a PIII). Current version (v1.6) allow to: - new full test feature for CISCO and compatible OID servers. With one check you will have the status of all interfaces (admin and oper status), CPU usage and MEM usage. - new CPU usage check - new MEM usage check And... Ifaces and traffic - get the number of interfaces - check the operational status of one interface - get the current input thoughput of one interface (in bps) - get the current output thoughput of one interface (in bps) - get the bandwidth of one interface (in bps) - get the current bandwidth usage of one interface (in %) - get SAI - (Merlin gerin) Battery charge level (in %) The plugin allow parameters like warning and critical values to return a different exit status. Its developed to run under Nagios, and exit codes are the standard exit codes. Future releases migth allow more checks. Requirements: - php4-cli - php4-snmp I hope its useful for someone else, and any suggestions are welcome:
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