SNMP Storage


This scripts checks by snmp (V1,2c,3) disks, memory, swap, and everything in the hrStorage table (Unix, Linux, Windows, AS/400). Current version : 1.3.1

Current Version

Last Release Date

June 23, 2009

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Project Notes
Disk selection can be done by perl regexp on description or index to select one or multiple disks. It is also possible to sum all selected storages. The script can output performance data. Script language : Perl Supported plateforms : all MIB-2 compliant (Unix, Linux, AS/400, Windows). Current version : 1.3.1 Requirements : Net-snmp and Perl with module Net::SNMP More infos and downloads :
Reviews (1) Add a Review
check_snmp_storage and 5% reserved space on local FS
by emi65, June 30, 2017

found that exist the -R option If I use this option the 5% of reseverd space is counted ... but .... This 5% is used for local and nfs FS and this is an error because must be used only for local FS I'm not a perl programmer expert Someone could be check the check code in order to understand if it is possible to correct this bug ? thanks Emilio

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