Remote Access



Script to check using Net::Telnet. Expect-like passing of commands/arguments and returning data. Verifies serial console (or telnet…) is responding and that its banner matches some string (like its hostname).

Current Version

Last Release Date

June 23, 2009

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Project Notes
Primary uses: 1) check telnet banner for a matching return string. 2) log in via telnet and run specified command, check output for string. Handy for: -Screen scraping last console output from Cyclades ACS (or any console server supporting terminal buffering) for automatic inclusion in crash report, Nagios alert email, etc. -Periodically checking to make sure serial console is still attached/working... for when you DO need it. -Using in a custom host check, to determine if host is _really_ down and not responding on serial console. -Last-ditch eventhandler usage, for starting SSH if dead (or any other arbitrary thing... as long as you can still log in via console). / command run/output example: root@monitor02 libexec# ./ -H deathstar1001-console -C 'date --iso-8601' -user username -password 'password' date --iso-8601 2006-12-15 / testing console login banner: root@monitor02 libexec# ./ -H deathstar1001-console -M deathstar1001 OK: host (deathstar1001) matches login banner. root@monitor02 libexec# ./ -H deathstar1001-console -M deathstar1002 CRITICAL: host (deathstar1002) did not match login banner.
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