


If you have to verify a value in an ini foramted file, feel free to try check_inivalue.pl (actual version 0.2.3 for tests only). With check_inivalue.pl you can verify the value for a defined key in a defined section of an ini file.

Current Version


Last Release Date

June 29, 2009

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Project Notes
If the value is a number (float) it is possible to get performance data with a label defined by you. This Plugin comes AS IS with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY! You may redistribute copies of the plugin under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. check_inivalue.pl - HowTo: ----------------------------------------------------- Usage: $PROGNAME [-i infile] [-s section] [-k key] [-o OK_Value] [-w or -W WARNING_Value] [-c or -C CRTICAL_Value ] [-l LABEL] Options: -i --infile STRING Path and file name to the ini/config file. -s --section STRING String to identify the ini/config Section. -k --key STRING String to identify the key of the value. -o --ok STRING Value for OK. -w --warning STRING Value for WARNING. -c --critical STRING Value for CRITICAL. -W --WarnFloat FLOAT Threshold for WARNING. -C --CritFloat FLOAT Threshold for CRITICAL. -l --label STRING String for label the performance data. -h --help Using this option to show this help info. Attention: -i, -s and -k are necessary! The options -o and/or -w and/or -c are necessary if you want to check for a string value. If only -w or -c are defined all other values end in OK State. If -o and/or -w are defined (not -c) all values other then in this defined options end in CRITICAL State. If -o and -c are defined (not -w) all values other then in this defined options end in WARNING State. If -o and -w and -c are defined all values other then in this defined options end in UNKNOWN State. (While checking for a string the options --WarnFloat and --CritFloat will be ignored)! The options -W and/or -C are necessary if you want to check for a float value. If only -W is defined, all values higher or equal will end in WARNING State. If only -C is defined, all values higher or equal will end in CRITICAL State. If -W and -C are defined and the value is between, it end in WARNING State. If the option for -W is higher then for -C : A value higher then the option defined by -W end in OK State. Is the value less or equal the option defined by -C it end in CRITICAL State. (Do not use -o, -w and/or -c if you want to check for float values)! [Command Definition Examples - start] # 'check_inivalue_string' command definition define command{ command_name check_inivalue_string command_line /usr/lib/nagios/plugins/custom/check_inivalue.pl -i $ARG1$ -s $ARG2$ -k $ARG3$ -o $ARG4$ -w $ARG5$ } # 'check_inivalue_float' command definition define command{ command_name check_inivalue_float command_line /usr/lib/nagios/plugins/custom/check_inivalue.pl -i $ARG1$ -s $ARG2$ -k $ARG3$ -W $ARG4$ -C $ARG5$ -l $ARG6$ } [Command Definition Examples - end] [Service Check Definition Examples - start] # 'Ini Value String' service check definition define service{ use local-service host_name localhost service_description Ini Value String check_command check_inivalue_string!/data/example.ini!Server-01!Cluster!Primary!Secondary } # 'Ini Value Float' service check definition define service{ use local-service host_name localhost service_description Ini Value Float check_command check_inivalue_float!/data/example.ini!Server-02!Temp!28.5!33.5!Temperature } [Service Check Definition Examples - end] [INI File Example - start] [Server-01] Cluster=Secondary [Server-02] Temp=34.7 [INI File Example - end] [check_inivalue.pl Output Example - start] WARNING: Cluster=Secondary CRITICAL: Temp=34.7|Temperature=34.7;28.5;33.5;; [check_inivalue.pl Output - end]
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