Internet Domains and WHOIS



Check A/PTR records for a host. Support for checking returnval vs. an array for matching valid response(s), threshhold for number of returned responses, and timeout values.

Current Version

Last Release Date

June 22, 2009

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Project Notes
Perl, uses (requires): Net::DNS Getopt::Long Array::Compare Pod::Usage Time::HiRes / Example service definition: define service{ use generic-service hostgroup_name deathstar* servicegroups dns_alerts service_description DNS_forward check_command check_dns_host_forward_match!1 notification_options c } define service{ use generic-service hostgroup_name deathstar* servicegroups dns_alerts service_description DNS_reverse check_command check_dns_host_reverse_match!1 notification_options c } / Example command definition: define command{ command_name check_dns_host_forward_match command_line $USER1$/ -H $HOSTALIAS$ -q FORWARD -w 50 -c 500 -m $HOSTADDRESS$ -r $ARG1$ } define command{ command_name check_dns_host_reverse_match command_line $USER1$/ -H $HOSTADDRESS$ -q REVERSE -w 50 -c 500 -m $HOSTALIAS$ -r $ARG1$ }
Reviews (3) Add a Review
Reverse not working
by Tozz, May 31, 2014

Checking for reverse doesn't work, eg.: -H -Q REVERSE -W 1000 -C 1000 DNS OK! QUERYRETURNCODE=(NOERROR => ANSWERS=(0) QUERY_RETURNVAL=() ELAPSED=(8 ms) | DurationMS=8 Reverse checks always return ANSWERS=(0). Forward seems to work fine.

working from terminal NOT from Nagios
by steprog, November 30, 2013

from the commnd line runs without error ONLY if I change the line in the sub query_check like "if (defined ($match)) {" But Nagios always report the error "(Service check did not exit properly) " Any suggestion?

sub query_check
by rmarx, May 31, 2013

On sub query_check, match verification: if (defined $match) replaced by: if (defined @match)

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