Check an IIS Application pool state


This plugin checks for the state of an IIS application pool.

Current Version

Last Release Date

June 22, 2009

Compatible With

  • Nagios 2.x
  • Nagios 3.x


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Project Notes
This plugin was tested on a Windows Server 2003 R2 box running IIS v6. NSclient++ v0.3.5 was used as the Nagios agent on the server. Update: if you need the same plugin but for IIS 7, have a look to the plugin "Check IIS 7 Application Pool State" by Nicolas Bressan. -- Usage (local machine only) -- check_iis_apppool_state.vbs pool_name pool_name - The name of the application pool (ex: DefaultAppPool). It returns: - OK if state is running. - CRITICAL if state is stopped. - WARNING if state is stopping or starting. - UNKNOWN for all the others (app pool not found, etc...). -- Nagios Agent configuration (NSC.INI) -- Copy this file into the "scripts" directory of your NSclient++ installation. Add the following line to your NSC.INI file, section "NRPE_Handlers": check_iis_apppool_state=cscript.exe //nologo //T:60 scriptscheck_iis_apppool_state.vbs $ARG1$ Then restart NSclient++ service. Create a command in Nagios to execute this.
Reviews (5) Add a Review
How can I configure this plugin to be used with NCPA Agent on Windows Server
by sampath.krb, August 31, 2017

How can I configure this plugin to be used with NCPA Agent on Windows Server

additional modification are needed
by wujekgrga, August 31, 2014

If script vbs works for you but you cannot invoke from nagios using check_nrpe or directly from config file please uncomment following lines in NSC.ini and restart nsclient++ service: allow_arguments=1 allow_nasty_meta_chars=1

creating command
by chris@justice, January 31, 2014

Hi, I have no idea how to create the command for this script. How do I do this? I have searched everywhere but did not find the answer.

how to create the command?
by tomerof, November 30, 2011

how to Create a command in Nagios to execute this??

Unable to call
by Sukhjeet, June 30, 2010

I'm able to use this command and configure it but I'm unable to call it through windows.cfg. $USER1$/check_nrpe -H $HOSTADDRESS$ -t 60 -c check_iis_site -a "$ARG1$" ./check_nrpe -H -t 60 -p 5666 -c check_iis_apppool_state -a DefaultAppPool Please share the configuration using which I can call it in windows.cfg as well..!!

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