

Simply check https host .

Current Version


Last Release Date

June 22, 2009

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Project Notes
It checks if a website runs on https, without checking the certificate. Usage: ./check_https Optional: port number ./check_https 444 CHANGELOG on v0.4: add timeout
Reviews (6) Add a Review
A Built-in Alternative Solution
by, December 31, 2021

I did try your script but it was little bit unstable. Suddenly I have checked the check_http which is already there in the /nagios/libexec/check_http check_http -S www.sitename.or.ip -w seconds -c seconds -S Connect via SSL. Port defaults to 443. -w Response time to result in warning status (seconds) -c Response time to result in critical status (seconds) you can add --ssl=1.2 for TLS1.2 (read help) for example: /usr/local//nagios/libexec/./check_http -S -w 2 -c 5 or /usr/local//nagios/libexec/./check_http --ssl=1.2 -w 2 -c 5 Next Define The Command Inside commands.cfg define command { command_name check_https command_line $USER1$/check_http -S $ARG1$ -w $ARG2$ -c $ARG3$ } Define Service define service { use local-service ; Name of service template to use host_name LOCALHOST service_description HTTPS check_command check_https!localhost!0.500!0.900 notifications_enabled 1 } -w -c 0.0 accept millisecond It's handy when you check multiple internet links either the links is up or down, sites functions, port status.

Edit code
by networkshark, October 31, 2020

I removed ipcalc from the code and replaced it with regex, because ipcalc gave errors of missing parameters. ----- CODE ----- [...] # Variables definition # my PID mypid="$$" html_tmp="/tmp/tmp_html.$mypid" rep_tmp="/tmp/tmp_rep.$mypid" add_uri='https://' end_uri='/' PORT='' exit_code=2 regexIPv4="^[0-9]{1,3}.[0-9]{1,3}.[0-9]{1,3}.[0-9]{1,3}$" regexIPv6=".*:.*" [...] # Give some brain to this script. Detect yourself if we are checking an hostname, an ipv4 or an ipv6 if [[ $1 =~ $regexIPv4 ]] then target=ipv4 elif [[ $1 =~ $regexIPv6 ]]; then target=ipv6 else # we consider here cases in which the passed argument is DNS name target=DNS fi [...] ----- CODE -----

the script works, please add path support
by marsteel, June 30, 2019

I added $path_uri so the script can check URL like # ./check_https 443 WebService/Service.svc # my PID mypid="$$" html_tmp="/tmp/tmp_html.$mypid" rep_tmp="/tmp/tmp_rep.$mypid" add_uri='https://' path_uri='' end_uri='/' PORT='' exit_code=2 if [ $# -lt 1 ] then echo "Arguments are missing! Run ./check_https IP_or_DNS port (optional) " echo "Eg: ./check_https" echo "Eg: ./check_https ::ffff: 444" exit 1 fi if [ $# -gt 1 ] then PORT=:$2 fi # For # path_uri is WebService/Service.svc if [ $# -gt 2 ] then path_uri=:$3 fi # Give some brain to this script. Detect yourself if we are checking an hostname, an ipv4 or an ipv6 if ipcalc -sc4 $1 then target=ipv4 else if ipcalc -sc6 $1 then target=ipv6 else # we consider here cases in which the passed argument is DNS name target=DNS fi fi if [ ! "$target" == "ipv6" ] then /usr/bin/wget --timeout=10 --no-check-certificate --output-document=$html_tmp -S $add_uri$1$PORT$end_uri$path_uri 2> $rep_tmp else /usr/bin/wget --timeout=10 --no-check-certificate --output-document=$html_tmp -S $add_uri[$1]$PORT$$end_uri$path_uri 2> $rep_tmp fi

requires ipcalc and >/dev/null 2>&1
by eugene.tsuno, August 31, 2018

Should check ipcalc is installed. Should redirect ipcal in error to test ip addres: if ipcalc -sc4 $1 > /dev/null 2>&1 not if ipcacl -sc1 $1

Works Very Well!
by jkegaly, April 30, 2018

Works very well, just took the check_http command and modified so it would work properly!

Works good with IPv4 addresses
by RogerSik, June 30, 2016

Works good with IPv4 addresses. With IPv6 addresses i get the error: Generic error code.

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