check_http perl script with additional features (modified to work with groundwork)


Current Version

Last Release Date

June 22, 2009

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Project Notes
This is based on wiburg's checkhttp perl script with many new configurable options - read the parameter list below: Usage: -H -u -p -s [-w warning HTTP code] [-c critical HTTP code] [-W warning content regex] [-C critical content regex] This plugin tests the HTTP service on the specified host. The warning and/or critical conditions can be either the HTTP response code or a regular expression which matches the HTTP body. -H, --host -u, --url (Default: /). -p, --port (Default: 80). -s, --ssl Attempt SSL connection (Default: off). -A, --useragent Specify the User Agent header value (Default: "check_http"). -n, --hostname Specify the Host header value (Default is the same as the host address). -m, --method <(GET|POST)> Specify the HTTP request method (Default: GET). -t, --timeout Set the timeout for the request in seconds (Default: 10 seconds). -M, --maxredir Set the maximum number of redirects to be performed. (Default: 7). -r, --post_param Specify a paramter name for when the selected method is POST. -v, --post_value Specify a value for when the selected method is POST. -T, --content-type Set a content type for POST requests (Optiona). -k, --cookie_value Specify a value for a cookie. -w, --warningHttpCode Return state=warning, if the specified HTTP code (404, 303, ...) is returned. -c, --criticalHttpCode Return state=critical, if the specified HTTP code (404, 303, ...) is returned. -W, --warningExpression Return state = warning if regex matches against page content. -C, --criticalExpression Return state = critical if regex matches against page content. The -w, -c, -W and -C options can be specified multiple times. If -w, -c, -W or -C option are not specified the following rules apply: OK: HTTP Response Code 2xx WARNING: HTTP Response Code 3xx CRITICAL: HTTP Response Code 4xx or 5xx But without the -w, -c, -W and -C options you would be better off using the standard check_http plugin. -h, --help Prints this help message.
Reviews (1) Add a Review
Missing basics
by romildo, September 30, 2011

Nice plugin that allows to pass a cookie but what happened to the username and password option? Am I missing something? Romi

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