


This plugin checks the amount of request on apache servers.

Current Version

Last Release Date

June 22, 2009

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Project Notes
This basic plugin fetches the server-status from the apache and returns the requests on this server.
Reviews (5) Add a Review
Monitoring apache server on windows machine
by benzene_monster, January 31, 2015

Hi, I've installed nagios on an ubuntu machine, and one of my clients is a windows machine. My apache server is in the windows machine and I need to monitor it. Can some one please explain me the steps I need to do so that I can monitor the apache server on the windows machine. I did a few steps and I am getting "Could not parse arguments" error on my nagios server

Unknown Error
by A.Cormack, February 28, 2013

Plug-in is exactly what I'm looking for but I seem to be getting an error (shown below). Are you aware on how to correct this? "Argument "" isn't numeric in numeric ge (>=) at ./check_apacherequests.pl line 76." Rated Average for now, untill a full review can be made.

Easy & provides graphing
by keith_shannon, December 31, 2012

Was looking for a plugin to graph apache perf data, as well as get some of the amount of data transferred. Extremely easy to use & get working. NOTE: I had to change use lib line to /usr/local/nagios/libexec because it was looking to /usr/lib/nagios/plugins. So once I edited the script it worked perfectly. Not going to nock it down at all though because it still works perfectly.

Easy to use
by firstinstance, November 30, 2011

Thanks for this Plugin! Please check yet that lynx exist, then it's perfect.

Great Plugin
by xoroz, February 28, 2011

Simple and usefull! ./check_apachereq.pl -w 90 -c 900 OK - 1 current apache requests | 'apache requests'=1;90;900 Thanks for the good work!

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4.4 (8)