
Ironport Plugin modified to include feature key expiry checks


This is a script to check RAM, CPU, QUEUE, Work Queue, and Mail Rate and other important parameters on Cisco Ironport Appliances. Modified to include feature key license expiry checks.

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Compatible With

  • Nagios 2.x
  • Nagios 3.x

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Project Notes
This is a script to check RAM, CPU, QUEUE, Work Queue, and Mail Rate and other important parameters on Cisco Ironport Appliances. Modified to include feature key license expiry checks. It was tested on C series appliances, working with no problems on AsyncOS 5.x and above, and Nagios 2.9, and 3.0.3 on Linux, and OpsView 3.1 on Linux. It is based on XML status file obtained via HTTPS. It need HTTPS enabled, a at least a "guest" user to autentication. This plugin is based on the check ironport plugin modified by Steven Geerts which was originally written by Claudio Saavedra. Many thanks to both of you.
Reviews (1) Add a Review
Does exactly what it says it does.
by duxklr, January 31, 2011

Tested using Nagios 3.2.0 running on Ubuntu 10.04LTS connecting to multiple Ironport C360's.

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5 (3)