Network Connections, Stats and Bandwidth



This plugin uses the WMI (windows management instrumentation) to enumerate and check bandwidth usage of all connected and optionally disconnected network interfaces on Windows Servers.

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Compatible With

  • Nagios 2.x
  • Nagios 3.x



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Project Notes
This is to bypass the limitations of the 32-bit SNMP v2 counters used by Windows. It produces valid perfdata for input(RX) & output(TX) and can provide either raw data outputs or percentage based. This plugin has a prerequisite of the check_nt plugin being present and a suitable agent on the servers being monitored. Options: -h, --help show this help message and exit -H HOST, --host=HOST Hostname/FQDN or IP address -p PORT, --port=PORT Port that nc_net or nsclient++ is running on (1248) -w WARNING, --warning=WARNING Warning Threshold (percentage of interface speed default to 70 see also -r/--raw) -c CRITICAL, --critical=CRITICAL Critical Threshold (percentage of interface speed default to 90 see also -r/--raw) -S, --special Include special interfaces Teredo IPv6 tunnel and isatap -D, --disconnected Include disconnected interfaces (interface speed = 0) -P PREFIX, --prefix=PREFIX Prefix to Be used Kilo/K, Mega/M, Giga/G, if none specified bits/bytes will be used -r, --raw Use raw values for Warning and Critical thresholds (affected by prefix used i.e. -r -w 1000 -c 2000 -P kilo will set Warning threshold to 1000 Kilobits/sec and Critical threshold to 2000 Kilobits/sec) -R, --rawperfdata Use raw values for Performance Data thresholds (Can be used in combination with -r i.e. -r -R )
Reviews (2) Add a Review
Script doesn't seem to work
by DennisPR, August 31, 2013

1. There should be a parameter for the password that is used to connnect to the nsclient 2. The command /usr/local/nagios/libexec/check_nt -H "+host+" -p "+port+" -v INSTANCES -l "Network Interface" doesn't work on Nsclient 0.3.9 or 0.4.0 see URL below for more information

Example Configuration
by ghemeon, May 31, 2012

How would you use this plugin?

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