


Checks Virtual Memory and Input / Output Data from Linux and Solaris Systems

Current Version

Last Release Date

June 15, 2009

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Project Notes
HOW TO USE Usage: [-Vhv] [-p parameter [-w threshold] [-c threshold]] Options: -h Displays this help dialog -V Displays Version and Credits -p sets which value will be observed. For mor information see Parameters below. -w sets the warning thredhold. Default is 0:0. For more information see Nagios Developer guidlines or see Thredholds below. -c sets the critical thredhold. Default is 0:0. For more information see Nagios Developer guidlines or see Thredholds below. Parameters: WAIT_TIME If set the plugin will show the average wait time IO inputs are in queue. PROCESS_QUEUE If set the plugin will show the average number of processes in queue. PROCESS_BLOCKED If set the plugin will show the average number of blocked processes. SWAP_AVAIL If set the plugin will show the average aviable Swap. Thredholds in kB. PAGE_IN If set the plugin will show the average number of pages in. PAGE_OUT If set the plugin will show the average number of pages out. SYS_CPU_TIME If set the plugin will analye the average CPU-time used by the system. Thredholds: Syntax: [@]start:end 1. start <= end 2. start and : is not required if start=0 3. if range is of format "start:" and end is not specified, assume end is infinity 4. to specify negative infinity, use "~" 5. alert is raised if metric (VALUE) is outside start and end range (inclusive of endpoints) 6. if range starts with "@", then alert if inside this range (inclusive of endpoints) Additional information. The Plugin has benn tested on: -> Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server release 5.2 (Tikanga) -> SunOS 10 sparc And should run propperly out of the box.
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