IBM DS 35xx healt check script


This Perl check will monitor various aspects of an IBM DS 35xx storage system using Storage Manager’s SMcli.

It has been reported that this plugin works with several models of “small” IBM DS storage systems:

* DS 3400 (Firmware version: SM version 10.84
* DS 3200
# v1.6 – a patch from for 10.86 firmware by Ian Clancy
# dot com> and Niklas Edmundsson
# and a patch for 07.84.44 firmware in the DS3500
# with Enhanced FlashCopy features by Maciej Bogucki # The script continue to work with DS3400 and Dell
# MD3660 arrays running the 10.84 firmware.
# [2014-02-27 mbogucki]
# v1.6a – added non-standard (DSTEST_ALL) test category,
# mainly to accomodate additional tests
# (consistency_groups_status,
# consistency_groups_status,
# consistency_groups_member_logical_drives_status
# and repository_logical_drives_status) added by
# Maciej Bogucki in 1.6; just add “-t all” to the
# command line. [2014-02-28 rafamiga]

Current Version


Last Release Date


Compatible With

  • Nagios 3.x



Project Files
Project Notes
Currently it checks: system_status -- batteries, SFPs, fans, PSUs and temperature sensors controller_status -- controler state controller_asset_status -- cache backup device and host interface board statuses array_status -- physical drives device_status -- logical drives drivechannel_status -- drive channels This check is based on Thomas S. Iversen's great check_ds4x00. # v1.0a - bug-fix release # v1.0b - fixed a bug with when using a hostname -- SMcli does not need "-H" # to contact the defined hostname. Thanks to Oliver Hanesse for # pointing it out. # v1.1 - make "Battery learning" system_status just a WARNING, not a CRITICAL # error; list tests run only in verbose mode [2012-01-12 rafamiga] # v1.1a - get rid of curlies from plugin output as they confuse nagios. # Bug discovered by Asq [2012-01-13 rafamiga] # v1.2 - make "Battery maintenance charging" system_status just a WARNING, # not a CRITICAL error [2012-01-25 rafamiga] # v1.3 - added patches for 10.83 firmware and preffered path check, both by # Ian Clancy THANKS!; made "SFPs # Detected" check optional -- for SAS-only enclosures (various error # reports); made "Host Interface Board" check optional ("Not Present" # reported); done some cleanup and error reporting [2013-01-03 # rafamiga] # v1.4 - added support for DS 3400 (it reports "Power-Fan Canisters" instead # of CRUs/FRUs); Steven Wood < steven at ikoro. com > reported a typo # in known test list, corrected, thanks!; small additions to help text # [2013-02-14 rafamiga] # v1.5 - a patch from Niklas Edmundsson < Niklas. Edmundsson at hpc2n. umu # .se > TACK SÅ MYCKET! BUGFIX: forgot to actually parse the "--binary" # command line argument; BUGFIX: don't misparse "Controller A link # status:" etc. as "Status:" in drive channel check; BUGFIX: fix # battery detection string to work with DS 3200; FEATURE: added stats # on what's detected, output as long text (ie. visible if you click on # the check to get to the "Service State Information" screen) # [2013-04-12 rafamiga] # v1.6 - a patch from for 10.86 firmware by Ian Clancy < ian. clancy@ valeo # dot com > and Niklas Edmundsson < Niklas. Edmundsson at hpc2n. umu # # .se > and a patch for 07.84.44 firmware in the DS3500 with # Enhanced FlashCopy features by Maciej Bogucki . The script continue to work with DS3400 and Dell MD3660 # arrays running the 10.84 firmware. [2014-02-27 mbogucki] # v1.6a - added non-standard (DSTEST_ALL) test category, mainly to # accomodate additional tests (consistency_groups_status, # consistency_groups_status, # consistency_groups_member_logical_drives_status and # repository_logical_drives_status) added by Maciej Bogucki in 1.6; # just add "-t all" to the command line. [2014-02-28 rafamiga]
Reviews (3) Add a Review
Nagios vanilla
by estebanmonge, July 31, 2013

Hello we use Nagios vainilla (tar.gz), when use this version you need add: use lib '/usr/local/nagios/libexec'; after of: use lib '/usr/lib64/nagios/plugins'; use lib '/usr/lib/nagios/plugins'; We had problems with FlashCopy but I know that it's out of scope. Great Plugin

system_status Error
by marcy, November 30, 2012

Hello, i got following error by checking the system_status: root@icinga:~# /usr/lib/nagios/plugins/ -v -n SAN -t system_status Use of uninitialized value $fline in pattern match (m//) at /usr/lib/nagios/plugins/ line 132. Use of uninitialized value $fline in pattern match (m//) at /usr/lib/nagios/plugins/ line 132. WARNING system_status (system_status: WARNING (Could not parse number of elements detected: SFPs Detected, Could not parse number of elements detected: Power-Fan CRUs/FRUs Detected)) SMcli version: 10.38

Fix for Storage Manager's
by Schwabe, November 30, 2012

To detect power fan correctly with Version 10.83 of SMcli, you need to replace following lines: # Watch all these parameters my @list=( "Batteries Detected", "SFPs Detected", "Power-Fan CRUs Detected", "Power Supplies Detected", "Fans Detected", "Temperature Sensors Detected", with # Watch all these parameters my @list=( "Batteries Detected", "SFPs Detected", "Power-Fan CRUs/FRUs Detected", "Power Supplies Detected", "Fans Detected", "Temperature Sensors Detected",

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4.7 (3)