External Commands

ncom (Nagios command)


Nagios command line is written in perl. This is written using modified version of Nagios-Object cpan module. You will need ndoUtils backend to use some of the feature such as “check history”, “command history” and “alerthistory”. However if user don’t care about the above mentioned features then one can use this without ndoUtils.

Current Version

Last Release Date

June 13, 2009

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Project Notes
Usage: sage: /usr/local/bin/ncom action service@host commnent where: service the name of the service we are checking host Name of the host we are checking commment Comment we want to pass to the action check: Immediately recheck service, host, service@host (no state update on run) reschedule: Reschedule service, host, service@host (state update on run) acknowledge: Acknowledge current alert for service, host, service@host unacknowledge: Undo acknowledge for service, host, service@host inhibit: Silence all alerts for service, host, service@host uninhibit: Undo inhibit for service, host, service@host checkhistory: check history of particular check alerthistory: check history of notificaitons commandhistory:check history of commands executed on particular check Requirements: Nagios Version 3 Installation: ndoutils ( Optional, only needed for checkhistory, alerthistory, commandhistory) I will not go through the ndoUtils installation details. However I will suggest set data_processing_options to 33438717 in ndomod.cfg file, which gave me the best performance. Nagios Object: This is a cpan module which did not work with Nagios version 2. We made modification to make it work with Nagios Version 3. When one untar the tarball, you will find another tarball named Nagios-Object-0.21.4.tar.gz. I also added a spec file. One can build the rpm using the spec file and install the rpm. The following are traditional way of installing perl module. 1) untar using gzip -dc Nagios-Object-0.21.4.tar.gz | tar -xof - 2) cd into the newly created directory and build using following perl Makefile.PL make make test 3) Install the module by doing make install. ncom: 1)First we need to add the authentication information to the script. a) untar using gzip -dc ncom -0.5.tar.gz | tar -xof - b) cd into newly created directory and modify the following line of ncom file my $dbhostname=''; ###this is the host where ndoutils database resides my $database=''; ## name of the ndoUtils database my $login_username=''; ###username for database my $password=''; ###password for database. 2) Upon making the modification one can manually copy the file to /usr/bin or /usr/local/bin directory. I also added a spec file so one can create a rpm from this. However to use the spec file to create rpm, you must re-tar the directory using tar -czvf ncom -0.5.tar.gz ncom-0.5. Hope this works out for you. Feel free to contact me if you have any issue with this.
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