
Check ESX recources using SNMP


Current Version

Nagios checking ESX 3.5 using SNMP made real simple...

Last Release Date

June 13, 2009

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Project Notes
The main goal of this project was to publish the output data of any script run on an ESX server by using SNMP for monitoring with Nagios. As I didn't know much about SNMP it was very hard to find out how to do this as simple as possible. This is a simple example of how publish the output of scripts for uptime, CPU load and available memory and disk space through SNMP and collect them with Nagios. If there's no need to make things complicated, don't.
Reviews (1) Add a Review
Does what it says on the tin!
by sinbad70, May 31, 2011

I disagree with the comment that says this has nothing to do with SNMP. The readme file clearly indicates that the author is using the exec feature of SNMP to return the output and result codes of custom scripts. So it has everything to do with SNMP! And it does exactly what the author writes in his/her summary: "This is a simple example of how publish the output of scripts for uptime, CPU load and available memory and disk space through SNMP and collect them with Nagios."

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