

Checks HP Smart Array (CISS) controller using only tools/commands in FreeBSD base (no perl or hpasm required).

Current Version


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Compatible With

  • Nagios 1.x
  • Nagios 2.x
  • Nagios 3.x



Project Notes
Get the status HP/Compaq SmartArray controllers and output the failed volumes if any such exist. This only works for FreeBSD, however it doesn't require any special kernel modules as it just queries the controller via the SCSI commands. SYNTAX: $path/ [email] [email] If no arguments are specified, the script will assume its run for NRPE. If one or more email addresses are specified, the script will send an email in case an array reports an error. OUTPUT: da1: DEGRADED / da2: rebuilding / da0: ok / da3: ok Failed/rebuilding volumes will always be first in the output string, to help diagnose the problem when recieving the output via pager/sms. Various outputs explained: ok The device is reported as ok by the smart array controller DEGRADED The RAID volume is degraded, it's still working but without the safety of RAID, and in some cases with severe performance loss. rebuilding The RAID is rebuilding, will return to OK when done ready for recovery The RAID is ready for recovery, but not recovering. This can happen if automatic recovery is disabled, and on some smaller versions of the SmartArray Controllers where only one RAID volume can be rebuild at a time unknown state Volume is in an unknown state. Please report this to me (soren at so I can update the script include the following output: camcontrol devlist camcontrol inquiry da0 -D run the inquiry for every volume on the system. TESTED: Should work on all smartarray controllers though - if you test on another (working or not) controller, I would like to know, please mail me on soren at I have tested the script on the following controllers HP Smart Array 6i HP Smart Array 5i HP Smart Array P400 HP Smart Array P410 HP Smart Array P420 HP Smart Array P800
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