
VM-Ware ESX snapshot check


This shell script uses the output of the “find” command (published via snmp to avoid check_by_ssh or NRPE) to determine the existance of any snapshot files in a directory an its subdirectories within VM-Ware ESX servers.

Current Version

Last Release Date

June 12, 2009

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Project Notes
Nagios check script for vmware - checks existance of snapshot files (*.vmsn) please add the following to your ESX server in the /etc/snmp/snmpd.conf and restart the snmpd deamon "exec . find /usr/bin/find /vmfs/volumes/ -name *.vmsn" Call this command as follows: check_snmp_snapshot.sh [devicename] [snmp read community] [warn] [crit] [warn] should be smaller than [crit] This script checks if there are any *.vmsn files existing in /vmfs/volumes/* which indicates that there are running snapshots. [warn]/[crit] defines the maximum number of allowed snapshots before setting a WARN or CRIT state. The script is tested with Nagios v. 3.0.1 and an ESX 3.5 installation with English language. You might be able to use it with other versions of Nagios, too with small modifications (e.g. multi line output). Use at your own risk.
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