
Uptime of router or switch


A Plugin to check the uptime of a router or switch With Perf out

Current Version

Last Release Date

June 11, 2009

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Project Notes
Check of router or switch of uptime through SNMP using perl input is entered in terms of Usage: -H -C -p -w -c There might be some errors at the moment but when i test it fully will update. Checks uptime in minutes up if below a certain limit sets ouput as critical You need Net::SNMP and Getopt::Long ie Cpan install Net::SNMP install Getopt::Long Also might need to change directory to /plugins/ ### define service { service_description Uptime use SERVICE_PRIORITY_TEMPLATE host_name HOSTNAME check_command check_cisco_uptime!Comm_string!warning!critical } ### define command { command_name check_uptime command_line /usr/bin/perl $USER1$/check_uptime.pl -H $HOSTADDRESS$ -C $ARG1$ -w $ARG2$ -c $ARG3$ } ::16/09/08 fixed wrong date time calc ::Added PNP graph template :: 29/09 Fixed major error with format of time(reboot) :: 23/10 Major remake fixed the time format finally yum out of beta am using it in production ::24/04/09 Fixed that annoying void error and added some basic help
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