* Notification Managers

Disabled host and service notification parser


I kept disabling checks and then would get caught up in something else and forgot what I disabled.
I created these scripts to remind me what is disabled so I can go back, fix the problem if needed,
and re-enable the notifications.

Current Version

Last Release Date

June 8, 2009

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Project Notes
To use these, you need to cat the status.log and pipe it into the script: 'cat status.log | host_status.awk' I run a bash script on a cron to call these two scripts and send the output via email: #!/bin/sh # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License # as published by the Free Software Foundation; either Version 2 # of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # This script was designed to run the two awk scripts host_status.awk and service_status.awk # and send an email if anything is returned. # DATE=`date +%c` HOST=`/bin/cat /usr/local/nagios/var/status.log | /usr/local/nagios/var/host_status.awk` SERVICE=`/bin/cat /usr/local/nagios/var/status.log | /usr/local/nagios/var/service_status.awk` MAIL="/bin/mail -s" SUBJECT="Disabled Nagios notifications *** $DATE" BODY="$HOST $SERVICE" RCPT="admin@domain.com" if [[ -n $HOST || -n $SERVICE ]] then /usr/bin/printf "%b" "n$BODYn" | $MAIL "$SUBJECT" $RCPT else echo "Nothing is disabled..." fi
Reviews (5) Add a Review
Didn't work on Ubuntu?
by mikej1234, July 31, 2013

Hi, Can you please advise on how to run this on Ubuntu? When I run it as documented I get no result. This is also after confirming the location of awk is not in /bin/awk but in /usr/bin/awk (which was updated in the script). It seems that the version of nagios I have also has a status.dat file, with no status.log file. Maybe I'm missing something here, but it seems different when installed on Ubuntu (or Debian).

Modifications for 3.5 as well as automated enabling
by vahidh, April 30, 2013

I will re-release this script with all of its requirements: This script will convert output to html email and provide a html link to enable service/host #!/bin/bash DATE=$(date +%c) NAGIOS_STATUS="/var/nagios/status.dat" WORKING_DIR="/usr/local/bin" SUBJECT="Disabled Nagios notifications *** $DATE" from="sender@domain.com" SENDMAIL_FOLDER="$WORKING_DIR/sendmail" RCPT="reciever@domain.com" BODY="$HOST $SERVICE" userpass="nagiosadmin:password" nagios_server="nagios.server.yourdomain.com" function host_status() { awk -v user=$userpass -v server=$nagios_server 'BEGIN { header=0; FS="="; } /^[[:space:]]*info {[[:space:]]*$/ { codeblock="info"; } /^[[:space:]]*program {[[:space:]]*$/ { codeblock="program"; } /^[[:space:]]*hoststatus {[[:space:]]*$/ { codeblock="host"; host_name=""; notifications_enabled=""; } /^[[:space:]]*service {[[:space:]]*$/ { codeblock="service"; } /^[[:space:]]*host_name=/ { host_name=$2; } /^[[:space:]]*notifications_enabled=/ { notifications_enabled=$2; } /^[[:space:]]*}[[:space:]]*$/ { if (codeblock=="host" && notifications_enabled=="0") { if (header==0) { print "The following hosts have notifications disabled:"; header=1; } print ""host_name"ENABLE NOTIFICATION"; } } ' } function service_status() { awk -v user=$userpass -v server=$nagios_server 'BEGIN { header=0; FS="="; } /^[[:space:]]*info {[[:space:]]*$/ { codeblock="info"; } /^[[:space:]]*program {[[:space:]]*$/ { codeblock="program"; } /^[[:space:]]*hoststatus {[[:space:]]*$/ { codeblock="host"; } /^[[:space:]]*servicestatus {[[:space:]]*$/ { codeblock="service"; host_name=""; service_description=""; notifications_enabled=""; } /^[[:space:]]*host_name=/ { host_name=$2; } /^[[:space:]]*service_description=/ { service_description=$2; } /^[[:space:]]*notifications_enabled=/ { notifications_enabled=$2; } /^[[:space:]]*}[[:space:]]*$/ { if (codeblock=="service" && notifications_enabled=="0") { if (header==0) { print "The following services have notifications turned off"; header=1; } print ""service_description " on " host_name"ENABLE SERVICE NOTIFICATION"; } } ' } HOST=$(/bin/cat $NAGIOS_STATUS| host_status) SERVICE=$(/bin/cat $NAGIOS_STATUS |service_status) if [[ -n $HOST || -n $SERVICE ]]; then cd $SENDMAIL_FOLDER;./sendmail.pl "$WORKING_DIR" "$from" "$RCPT" "$SUBJECT:" "$SERVICE$HOST" else echo "Nothing is disabled..." fi ---------------------- sendmail.pl --------------------- #!/usr/bin/perl use MIME::Lite; use Net::SMTP; $spath=$ARGV[0]; $from=$ARGV[1]; $to=$ARGV[2]; $subject=$ARGV[3]; $body=$ARGV[4]; $msg = MIME::Lite->new( From =>$from, To =>$to, ##Cc =>'some@other.com, some@more.com', Subject =>$subject, Type =>'multipart/mixed' ); $msg->attach( Type =>'text/html; charset="iso-8859-1"', Data =>$body ); $mail_host="localhost"; MIME::Lite->send('smtp', $mail_host, Timeout=>60); $msg->send;

by chandlercord, August 31, 2011

Awesome, great for a busy admin. I put together a awk a to check if nofitications are disabled globally. BEGIN { header=0; FS="="; } /^[[:space:]]*info {[[:space:]]*$/ { codeblock="info"; } /^[[:space:]]*programstatus {[[:space:]]*$/ { codeblock="program"; notifications_enabled=""; } /^[[:space:]]*hoststatus {[[:space:]]*$/ { codeblock="host"; } /^[[:space:]]*servicestatus {[[:space:]]*$/ { codeblock="service"; } /^[[:space:]]*enable_notifications=/ { notifications_enabled=$2; } /^[[:space:]]*}[[:space:]]*$/ { if (codeblock=="program" && notifications_enabled=="0") { if (header==0) { print " ****************** Notifications have been disabled globally!!!!!!! "; header=1; } print host_name; } } Figure that might be useful to someone

Needed just a bit of work, but saved my a$$
by russoisraeli, October 31, 2009

I have the same exact problem, so this really helped. Had to adjust it a bit, maybe to fit the recent version? Also, tweaked a bit to have line breaks between hosts/services.. Here are my cents: host_status.awk: 1c1 #!/bin/awk -f 30c30 /^[[:space:]]*host {[[:space:]]*$/ { 36c36 /^[[:space:]]*service {[[:space:]]*$/ { service_status.awk: 1c1 #!/bin/awk -f 30c30 /^[[:space:]]*host {[[:space:]]*$/ { 34c34 /^[[:space:]]*service {[[:space:]]*$/ { 36d35

Its good handy for Nagios Admins....
by kosarajudeepak, July 31, 2009

Thanks for contributing to Nagios exchange. Its a good and handy tool for nagios Admin. 100% recommended.

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