
MNTOS (Multi Nagios Tactical Overview System) gathers data from multiple Tactical overview pages on Nagios sites and compile it into a single XML file. The XML file can be used by any frontend supporting XML. Perfect tool when dealing with many nagios sites.

Current Version

Last Release Date

June 8, 2009

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Project Notes
Se homepage for more information: http://www.sorkmos.com/?page_id=33 Example frontend included. Supports warningsounds on events. You can install MNTOS by running the following commands in the command line: cd /tmp wget https://assets.nagios.com/downloads/nagiosxi/scripts/NagiosXI-MNTOS-install.sh chmod +x NagiosXI-MNTOS-install.sh ./NagiosXI-MNTOS-install.sh Please review the "Nagios - Integrating MNTOS" document here: https://assets.nagios.com/downloads/nagiosxi/docs/Integrating_MNTOS_With_Nagios.pdf
Reviews (8) Add a Review
No sound when using Firefox 48
by mbolduc, September 30, 2016

I have been using MNTOS since many months, work fine Under IE 11....but under Firefox 48, the sound doe not work... I see the critcal box in red, but no sound. The sound is OK under other web pages Any clue ?

Mntos nagios link and contact missing
by giuseppe.ursi, July 31, 2016

Hi team I installed mntos on centos 7 . The initial page doesn't report any remote nagios. PHP-XML is installed. I can connect to my nagios sites in http Kind regards Giuseppe

Not work properly
by gpqnemo, May 31, 2016

Hello emjga, I installed MNTOS on CentOS 7 with Nagios 4.x, but the initial page dont report any remote nagios. PHP-XML is installed. You are tips for me? Thx

Does what is says on the Tin
by emjga, January 31, 2016

MNTOS does what it says on the Tin I did not find any issues on installing it yes the documentation is a bit sparse but if you are a techy and can get around apache php etc You should be fine. By default MNTOS will not connect to Nagios sites using https as DOMDocument will check for CA certificate The fix is to add the following to mntos.php /* Allow https and disable CA Certificate check */ $context = stream_context_create(array('ssl'=>array( 'verify_peer' => false, 'verify_peer_name' => false, ))); libxml_set_streams_context($context); This can be added just after $xml = new DOMDocument('1.0', "ISO-8859-1"); $nagiosxml = new nagiosxml; BTW the author was very helpful after 7 years with helping on the contacts.ini info

Difficult to Install, Terrible Documentation, Otherwise Great
by gr8matt, November 30, 2015

This would get a 5 star if the documentation or shell script was any better but I basically had to take several hours to hack the entire thing together on Ubuntu 14.04. With the script, the double gzips didn't work, the directories are assuming you have specific locations for apache, php, etc. I stepped through each line of the source to correct it for my install. All in all, the process was very difficult and nearly impossible for me to document for my own notes if I needed to install in the future. Once I got it up and running, it is great! Simply wish that the documentation would be better.

Lack of Documentation
by derekbrewer, March 31, 2011

While I did finally get this up and running, I did have problems with the gzipped tarball which was mentioned in a prior review. The other problem I finally figured out was that I needed to install the php-xml package and then restart apache to get this to work.

by msaalfrank, December 31, 2010

As additional requirement i had to install the php::xsl package, what should be mentioned. The package is gzipped twice, so do "gzip -d mntos-1.0.tar.gz && mv mntos-1.0.tar mntos-1.0.tar.gz", then go on as usual.

Installing MNTOS
by quce, December 31, 2010

There are not instructions to install the application, when I try to install it sends errors, it seems that the file is damaged.

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