Themes and Skins

Vautour Style


Vautour Style is a skin for Nagios Core. Original stylesheets and original icons have been modified to provide a different presentation for the Nagios web interface.

Current Version


Last Release Date


Compatible With

  • Nagios 3.x
  • Nagios 4.x


Project Photos
Project Notes
Description : Vautour Style is a skin for Nagios Core. Original stylesheets and original icons have been modified to provide a different presentation for the Nagios web interface. Credits : Vautour Style have been created by Yoann LAMY under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2. The menu of Vautour Style use the javascript framework jQuery ( The icons of Vautour Style use "Silk icon set" ( created by Mark James. "Silk icon set" is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 2.5 License ( Install : Extract the contents of this ZIP file in the Nagios web content folder (usually /usr/local/nagios/share/) : unzip -d /usr/local/nagios/share/
Reviews (5) Add a Review
by eanselmi, October 31, 2018

Awesome Skin! work perfect in nagios 4

Ubuntu 10.04 install
by Palin_linux, November 30, 2010

Great Theme! To install on Ubuntu 10.04 LTS on nagios3 installed through apt-get. there a few thing you need to do. All commands are run as root. you can get to the root shell safely by doing "sudo -i" put in your password 1. BACKUP your old htddcs and stylesheet Code - "tar zxvf htdocsold.tar.gz /usr/share/nagios3/htdocs " and Code "tar zxvf stylesheetold.tar.gz /etc/nagios3/stylesheet" 2. Create folder to work for mv to that folder then Code - "wget " 3. Unzip the file Code "unzip" you may to install unzip "apt-get install unzip" 4. Move all file except 'stylesheet' folder to /usr/share/nagios3/htdocs Code - "mv images index.html index.php js menu.html sidebar.html top.html /usr/share/nagios3/htdocs/ " It will ask to overwrite some file choose A for all (That why we made a backup!) 5. Move the stylesheet folder to /etc/nagios3/ Code "mv stylesheet /etc/nagios3/" If you hit refresh on Nagios you will see the new theme, but the menu will not work right. so we have one more step/ 6. We need to edit the apache2.cfg for nagios Code - " nano or vim /etc/nagios3/apache2.conf " We need to comment out most of nagios3 and uncomment the nagios1 reference's Leave the 'DirectoryMatch' alone. We do not need to change anything. so it should like this : #ScriptAlias /cgi-bin/nagios3 /usr/lib/cgi-bin/nagios3 #ScriptAlias /nagios3/cgi-bin /usr/lib/cgi-bin/nagios3 # nagios 1.x: ScriptAlias /cgi-bin/nagios /usr/lib/cgi-bin/nagios3 ScriptAlias /nagios/cgi-bin /usr/lib/cgi-bin/nagios3 # nagios 2.x: #ScriptAlias /cgi-bin/nagios2 /usr/lib/cgi-bin/nagios3 #ScriptAlias /nagios2/cgi-bin /usr/lib/cgi-bin/nagios3 # Where the stylesheets (config files) reside #Alias /nagios3/stylesheets /etc/nagios3/stylesheets # nagios 1.x: Alias /nagios/stylesheets /etc/nagios3/stylesheets # nagios 2.x: #Alias /nagios2/stylesheets /etc/nagios3/stylesheets # Where the HTML pages live #Alias /nagios3 /usr/share/nagios3/htdocs # nagios 2.x: #Alias /nagios2 /usr/share/nagios3/htdocs # nagios 1.x: Alias /nagios /usr/share/nagios3/htdocs restart apache and your done ENJOY!! :)

I like this
by islandsound, June 30, 2010

Used this a few time on a couple different installs and it's always worked out fine for me with a bit of tweaking. Thanks!

Answer to Issue on 3.1
by sokhar, July 31, 2009

I like it. I too ran into the stylesheet issue on 3.1 The problem may be nagios installation related. I am running ubuntu 8.10 and the default nagios install aliases the stylesheet directory to /etc/nagios3/stylesheets so the themes stylesheets are not really accessible through the webserver. Comment out the Alias in /etc/nagios3/apache2.conf and it should start working like a charm....

Issue on 3.1.0
by derekmorris7, June 30, 2009

Wont work on 3.1.0, no top bar and side bar comes up with white texty look.

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Project Stats
4.7 (15)