


This plugin alows you to monitor a Microsoft SQL Server by checking more than 20 metrics.

Current Version

Last Release Date

June 7, 2009

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Project Notes
nagsrv$ check_mssql_health Please select a mode Copyright (c) 2009 Gerhard Lausser Check various parameters of MSSQL databases Usage: check_mssql_health [-v] [-t ] --hostname= --username= --password= [--port ] --mode= check_mssql_health [-h | --help] check_mssql_health [-V | --version] Options: --hostname the database server --username the mssql user --password the mssql user's password --warning the warning range --critical the critical range --mode the mode of the plugin. select one of the following keywords: connection-time (Time to connect to the server) cpu-busy (Cpu busy in percent) io-busy (IO busy in percent) full-scans (Full table scans per second) connected-users (Number of currently connected users) transactions (Transactions per second (per database)) batch-requests (Batch requests per second) latches-waits (Number of latch requests that could not be granted immediately) latches-wait-time (Average time for a latch to wait before the request is met) locks-waits (The number of locks per second that had to wait) locks-timeouts (The number of locks per second that timed out) locks-deadlocks (The number of deadlocks per second) sql-recompilations (Re-Compilations per second) sql-initcompilations (Initial compilations per second) total-server-memory (The amount of memory that SQL Server has allocated to it) mem-pool-data-buffer-hit-ratio (Data Buffer Cache Hit Ratio) lazy-writes (Lazy writes per second) page-life-expectancy (Seconds a page is kept in memory before being flushed) free-list-stalls (Requests per second that had to wait for a free page) checkpoint-pages (Dirty pages flushed to disk per second. (usually by a checkpoint)) database-free (Free space in database) sql (any sql command returning a single number) list-databases (convenience function which lists all databases) list-datafiles (convenience function which lists all datafiles) list-locks (convenience function which lists all locks) --name the name of the database etc depending on the mode. --name2 if name is a sql statement, this statement would appear in the output and the performance data. This can be ugly, so name2 can be used to appear instead. --regexp if this parameter is used, name will be interpreted as a regular expression. --units one of %, KB, MB, GB. This is used for a better output of mode=sql and for specifying thresholds for mode=tablespace-free Examples: nagsrv$ check_mssql_health --mode mem-pool-data-buffer-hit-ratio CRITICAL - buffer cache hit ratio is 71.21% | ? ...? buffer_cache_hit_ratio=71.21%;90:;80: nagsrv$ check_mssql_health --mode batch-requests OK - 9.00 batch requests / sec |? ...? batch_requests_per_sec=9.00;100;200 nagsrv$ check_mssql_health --mode full-scans OK - 6.14 full table scans / sec |? ...? full_scans_per_sec=6.14;100;500 nagsrv$ check_mssql_health --mode cpu-busy OK - CPU busy 55.00% |? ...? cpu_busy=55.00;80;90 nagsrv$ check_mssql_health --mode database-free --name AdventureWorks OK - database AdventureWorks has 21.59% free space left |? ...? 'db_adventureworks_free_pct'=21.59%;5:;2:? ...? 'db_adventureworks_free'=703MB;4768371582.03:;1907348632.81:;0;95367431640.62 nagsrv$ check_mssql_health --mode database-free --name AdventureWorks --warning 700: --critical 200: --units MB WARNING - database AdventureWorks has 694.12MB free space left |? ...? 'db_adventureworks_free_pct'=21.31%;0.00:;0.00:? ...? 'db_adventureworks_free'=694.12MB;700.00:;200.00:;0;95367431640.62 nagsrv$ check_mssql_health --mode page-life-expectancy OK - page life expectancy is 8950 seconds |? ...? page_life_expectancy=8950;300:;180: This plugin requires installation of the DBD::Sybase Perl module!
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