


Check the status for mod_jk loadbalancers via XML download from status URL.

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Check the status for mod_jk loadbalancers via XML download from status URL. The plugin will return CRITICAL if one or more nodes from the JK loadbalancer are down.
Reviews (4) Add a Review
Updated script
by swilkerson, August 31, 2014

Dirk Weinhardt submitted a patch to that allows jk-status with just one balancer to be parsed.

Nice Try... But No
by kpike, July 31, 2012

First off, thank you for contributing. But here is some constructive criticism. - Learn how to compress a file, why would you compress it twice? - Inefficient Perl programming, the plugin uses a wget to grab the xml from jkstatus/?mime=xml ... Why not just use XML::Simple and slurp it directly into a hashref? my $xml = XMLin($url). Since your already using LWP. Just look at some of the apache status plugins for an example. I am re-writing and will be uploading the updated plugin.

download file
by kita, February 29, 2012

I solved the probrem as follows. 1. Download check_jk_status-0.1.gz 2. gzip -d check_jk_status-0.1.gz 3. mv check_jk_status-0.1 check_jk_status-0.1.gz 4. gzip -d check_jk_status-0.1.gz

by shawnbrito, November 30, 2011

Hi.. How would I go about extracting the inner file? I untar'ed the downloaded .gz, but the contents of that file appeared to be repacked into another archive... Many Thanks In Advance...

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