
Baytech PDU Monitoring Plugin


This is a nagios plugin that checks Baytech PDUs. It will report and allow to set alerts on Current, Temperature, Power when you give it name of the PDU.

Current Version


Last Release Date


Compatible With

  • Nagios 2.x
  • Nagios 3.x
  • Nagios XI
  • Nagios Fusion



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Project Notes
This new version of plugin has been rewritten to support v3 based on code from other plugins but I have not had a chance to test it. --------------- As usual for my plugins documentation is included in the plugin itself as comments at the top section of the plugin. Below is reproduction of that documentation text. ---- Make sure to check and if necessary adjust the the path to utils.pm. Make sure you have Net::SNMP perl module installed This plugin will first read RPC names table to find which RPCs you have. It will then compare that to name given with '-n' and if there is a match will further lookup data for that RPC. If no name is specifed with '-n' the plugin will report data for all RPCs which can be up to 16 and that is a lot of data especially if each RPC has multiple breakers you all want to check. The data plugin can lookup for each RPC is: Current in Amps, Potential difference in Volts, Power use in Watts and Temperature (which you can choose to receive in Celsius or Fahrenheit). The plugin is designed to report instant values that is why "Max Current" which is also available from PDU data is not used (if you need that modify plugin code yourself - its easy to replace 'current' with that and I provided OID in the code already). You can choose to just report particular data or to check data and have plugin report WARNING or CRITICAL if its outside of expected range. To just report the data specify for example "--current" with no additional values after. If you want to have thereshold for it then specify parameter as for example "--current=5,15". That means you want WARNING if current is <5A or>15A. Critical levels follow WARNING, so it could be "--current=5,15,1,19". If you want to specify some but not other thresholds, then just don't specify value between ",," so for example if you want CRITICAL alert at above 19A and no other thresholds, it would be "--current=,,,15". In addition each RPC can have multiple breakers. I've dealt with the ones that have 4 breakers per RPC corresponding to outlets A1-12, A13-24, B1-12, B13-14. In order to get breakers data use "--breakers" as a parameter. Irregardless of actual outlets the breakers will only be numbered (1,2,3,4,etc) and when reported by plugin will be specified as B1, B2, etc. Normally individual breaker values are not checked against the thresholds (often enough people use RPC as redundant power source so one breaker would have all the load while the other one none). If you do want to check against thresholds then use "--breakers=check". For temperature as mentioned you can specify output format to be either Celsius, Fahrenheit or more "real" (physically for formulas, etc) Kelvin. You specify it with "-o" followed by C or F or K, for example for Fahrenheit: "-o F". The default for this plugin is Celsius. Two other important options need to be mentioned: '-f' or '--perfdata' causes all data to be reported back in performance variables You want this if you're going to post-proces the data for example to graph it '-s' or '--showvalues' causes plugin to report actual data values as part of the output (otherwise it would just report 'Baytech PDU OK' which is not much fun...). This is done is somewhat compact way, here is an example: ./check_snmp_baytech_pdu.pl -H -C public -s -f --voltage --current --temperature --power --breakers -o F -n CAB1 Baytech PDU OK - CAB1 RPS26DE[2.1] is 119.2V/16.2A/1919W/90.5F (B1 is 119.2V/4.2A/492W, B2 is 119.3V/3.9A/461W, B3 is 119.8V/3.9A/469W, B4 is 120V/4.2A/497W) Finally if you have any doubt as to what data is available I recommend trying to use this plugin in "debug" mode (with -d switch): check_snmp_baytech_pud.pl -d -H -C ... --- Enjoy :) and of you have any questions, email me.
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