
check temperature through a T3511 device


Monitoring temperature using an ethernet based T3511 module from Comet

Current Version

Last Release Date

June 4, 2009

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Project Notes
+ Check Temperature toc ++ Introduction This module will check the temperature reading from a T3511 device from Comet. ++ The device The T3511 device from Comet read the temperature and relative humidity in the air surrounding the measuring probe. ++ The module The module itself will download a web page from the temperature device using _wget_. The web page is parsed for the temperature reading, which is then compared to the threasholds sent to the module. More information on this environmental monitoring device can be found here: http://www.cometsystem.cz/english/humidity-transmitter-ethernet.htm +++ Usage $ ./check_temperature.sh Usage: check_temperature.sh -h, --help check_temperature.sh -V, --version check_temperature.sh DEVICE_ADDRESS WARNING_TRESHOLD CRITICAL_TRESHOLD Example: mluebeck@dmz0vp-nag1:/usr/local/nagios/libexec30$ ./check_temperature.sh temp01 25 30 Temperature OK - TEMP: 21 mluebeck@dmz0vp-nag1:/usr/local/nagios/libexec31$ ./check_temperature.sh temp01 20 25 WARNING - TEMP TOO HIGH - TEMP: 21 mluebeck@dmz0vp-nag1:/usr/local/nagios/libexec32 $ ./check_temperature.sh temp01 15 20 CRITICAL - TEMP TOO HIGH - TEMP: 21 $ ./check_temperature.sh wrong_device_address 15 20 CRITICAL - NO RESPONSE FROM THE DEVICE +++ Installation Place the check_temperature.sh script in your libexec directory. In the chkcommands.cfg file, add the following: #--------------------------------- # MaLu 9.8.06, check_temperature # This checks the temperature of our # networked thermometer devices #--------------------------------- # 'check_TEMP' command definition define command{ command_name check_temp command_line $USER1$/check_temperature.sh $HOSTADDRESS$ $ARG1$ $ARG2$ } Example of service definition: define service{ host_name trh_002 service_description Environmental check - Temperature servicegroups check-environment check_command check_temp!24!26 max_check_attempts 3 normal_check_interval 5 retry_check_interval 1 check_period ACA_24x7 notification_interval 1440 notification_period ACA_24x7 notification_options w,u,c,r,f contact_groups ContactUnix_SMS,ContactUnix_noSMS,ContactNetworkWindows_noSMS,ContactNetworkWindows_SMS } +++ Dependencies This module relies on the following tools to be installed on your system: * wget * awk * perl
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