


nagios plugin to check if a database record has been created today based on specific criteria (ksh script)

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Last Release Date

May 28, 2009

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nagios plugin to check if a database record has been created today based on specific criteria author: Sergei Haramundanis 18-May-2006 usage: check_db_record access_file min_time max_time db_table time_column return_column "criteria_1" "criteria_2" "criteria_3" "criteria_4" Description: This plugin will check if a database record has been created today within a timeframe (inclusive) specified by min_time and max_time (in HHMM format) by comparing the current time with the returned value of the time_column specified, and matching the criteria specified (used to build the where clause) This plugin requires oracle sqlplus (see definition of ORACLE_HOME, PATH and LD_LIBRARY_PATH further on in this script, you may need to change them) criteria_1 is required criteria_2, criteria_3 and criteria_4 are optional contents of access_file must contain database connection information in the following format: USERNAME username PASSWORD password CONNECTION_STRING connection_string this is used by sqlplus to login to the database and execute the appropriate sql query based on criteria specified Output: During any run of the plugin, it will check db_table for the existence of a record matching the specified criteria if none exist and max_time is exceeded it will return a CRITICAL state with the message: [CRITICAL] 0 records created today in db_table with criteria_1 criteria_2 criteria_3 criteria_4 (not created by max_time of max_time) if one exists and time_column is less than min_time it will return a CRITICAL state with the message: [CRITICAL] detected record with return_column="value" created today in db_table with criteria_1 criteria_2 criteria_3 criteria_4 (created prior to min_time of min_time) if more than one exist it will return a CRITICAL state with the message: [CRITICAL] detected n records created today in db_table with criteria_1 criteria_2 criteria_3 criteria_4 (too many records) if one exists and time_column is between min_time and max_time it will return an OK state with the message: [OK] detected 1 record created today in db_table with criteria_1 criteria_2 criteria_3 criteria_4 between min_time and max_time return_column="value" (passed criteria) if one exists and time_column is greater than max_time it will return a CRITICAL state with the message: [CRITICAL] detected 1 record created today in db_table with criteria_1 criteria_2 criteria_3 criteria_4 return_column="value" (created outside of timeframe min_time min_time and max_time max_time) if none exist and max_time is not exceeded it will return an OK state with the message: [OK] 0 records created today in db_table with criteria_1 criteria_2 criteria_3 criteria_4 (max_time of max_time not exceeded) 10-Nov-2006 version 1.1 update includes: 1. ORACLE_HOME definition for oracle 10.2.0 2. TNS_ADMIN oracle environment variable for directory of tnsnames.ora 3. returning elapsedTimeSecs performance data
Reviews (1) Add a Review
Nothing in the check_db_record.txt file
by mail2sanand, February 28, 2011

There is nothing in the check_db_record.txt file to have a look at. Please do respond with the correct description of the check_db_record.txt.

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