Windows Interfaces

Nagios Speedview


A neartime (max. 500ms after a measurement) client/server viewer for Nagios version 1.x that shows all the services with the measured values has a problem tab to quickly see those services that has errors.

Current Version

Last Release Date

May 28, 2009

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Project Notes

The viewer is available for Win32, X11 (Linux) and Mac OS X. The nagioss service that monitores and sends the status.log file to the connected viewers.

The viewer allows you to see problems with one glance, ideal for a centralized screen to show the status. Binaries for other Unix platforms can be compiled on demand.

With certain extensions, we allow you to also receive Windows NT log entries; this will require an additional piece fo software called EventReporter (a thirs party commercial product) and syslogw32 that can be acquired via us.

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