

Deprecated. Please use check_mysql_health instead.

Current Version

Last Release Date

May 28, 2009

Compatible With

Project Notes
Usage:check_mysql_perf -m mode -w warn -c crit -d database -H host -P port -u user -p password -a -i interval Options: -h, --help Print detailed help screen -V, --version Print version information -m, --mode=STRING where STRING is one of: slave-lag (Check 'Seconds behind master') slave-io-running (Check for 'Slave io running: Yes') slave-sql-running (Check for 'Slave sql running: Yes') threads-connected (Check 'Threads connected') threadcache-hitrate (Check 'Thread cache hitrate') querycache-hitrate (Check 'Query cache hitrate') keycache-hitrate (Check 'MyISAM Key cache hitrate') bufferpool-hitrate (Check 'InnoDB Buffer pool hitrate') tablecache-hitrate (Check 'Table cache hitrate') table-lock-contention (Check 'Table lock contention') temp-disk-tables (Check 'Percent of temp tables created on disk') connection-time (Check 'Seconds to get a connection') slow-queries (Check 'Slow queries'*) qcache-lowmem-prunes (Check 'Query cache entries pruned because of low memory'*) bufferpool-wait-free (Check 'InnoDB Buffer pool waits for clean page available'*) log-waits (Check 'InnoDB log waits because of a too small log buffer'*) -w, --warning=RANGE Warning range (format: start:end). Alert if outside this range -c, --critical=RANGE Critical range -H, --hostname=ADDRESS Host name, IP Address, or unix socket (must be an absolute path) -P, --port=INTEGER Port number (default: 3306) -i, --interval=INTEGER The window (in seconds) where rising values are measured -a, --absolute Output the absolute difference of the two measurements instead of the change rate where the absolute difference is divided by time -d, --database=STRING Database to check -u, --username=STRING Username to login with -p, --password=STRING Password to login with ==> IMPORTANT: THIS FORM OF AUTHENTICATION IS NOT SECURE!!! <== For extra security, create a user with minimal access. Temporary files will be saved in /var/tmp
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