Monitoring Agents

check_mk – a performant and easy to use generic monitoring plugin


check_mk replaces NRPE, NSClient, check_snmp and other data plugins. It adopts a completely new approach of retrieving data from hosts and network components which is very performant and easy to configure – especially in large monitoring environments. check_mk can easily integrated into any existing Nagios installation of version 3. In the current version check_mk includes its own Windows agent the supports most things of NSClient and in addition native evenlog log monitoring (no Pearl is needed).

Current Version

Last Release Date

May 28, 2009

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Project Notes
check_mk is a new general purpose Nagios-plugin for retrieving data. Check_mk adopts a new a approach for collecting data from operating systems and network components. It obsoletes NRPE, check_by_ssh, NSClient and check_snmp and it has many benefits, the most important of which are: * Significant reduction of CPU usage on the Nagios host. * Automatic inventory of items to be checked on hosts. * Automatic creating of Nagios configuration files * Handling of clusters with no service IP address * very performant RRD updates * Own configuration-free windows agent as standalone executable * Conveniant monitoring of logfiles - even of Windows Eventlog The larger your Nagios installation is, the more helpfull get these approvements. In fact check_mk enables you to implement a monitoring environment exceeding 20.000 checks/min on a single Nagios server on the first hand. check_mk is available under the GPL Version 2
Reviews (2) Add a Review
Great Addition
by rlakomy, August 31, 2011

I was looking for a easy solution to doing some local checks remotely for nagios. This fit the bill very nicely, setup was super easy to complete. Great number of built in checks. Custom checks took a little bit to get ironed out but appears to work fantastic now. Documentation is really good on his site as well. The biggest bonus of this method to me is the lack of dependencies. I didn't need to install a handful of other packages to get this running. The server side configurations were a bit tedious for me as I was working with an ancient version of nagios, v2. But got that all worked out with not to much of a hassle. All and all I've really enjoyed working with this so far.

Simply Awesome
by malabar, April 30, 2010

I am not a linux expert, and for the longest time struggled with getting Nagios to monitor anything. After finally sitting down and forcing myself to get Nagios loaded and working, I ran into a brick wall with getting my Windows hosts to show up on Nagios. After trying NSClient++, NRPE_nt and others, I almost gave up. Then I decided to try check_mk. It just worked, it was easy, it was intuitive. Thanks Mathias!

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4.3 (16)