* Remote Check Tunneling

SSH Server


SSH Server is meant to help run large amounts of Nagios service checks by remote ssh.

Current Version

Last Release Date

May 28, 2009

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Project Notes
While u can use "check_by_ssh" plugin, it will - for every service check open a new SSH connection to a host, which is quite an overhead for both the host and the monitoring server SSH Server consists of two parts, one the server.pl the other the command.pl Basically its a connection caching SSH proxy It successfully runs 3000 service checks on 200 hosts with an avg check_interval of 10mins, and can probably handle much more.
Reviews (1) Add a Review
server.pl doing nothing when network comes back after going down
by t19nguyen, February 28, 2010

I used this programs for a while. It's working well at first, and give a headache later. The story is that I sometimes saw that all the server.pl processes are doing nothing, and Nagios sent notifications for each service with UNKNOWN status. Later I figured out that whenever the network is down, all the server.pl processes lost connection but still running. When the network comes back up, those processes cannot gain the connections.

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