
Nagios-Admin Webmin Module


This module allows an administrator to modify the Nagios configuration from within Webmin.

Current Version

Last Release Date

May 26, 2009

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Reviews (6) Add a Review
Does not work with Ubuntu 8.04
by salaga, March 31, 2018

Tried installing it, got this: Failed to install uploaded module : Module nagios-admin does not support this operating system (Ubuntu Linux 17.10 server and 16.04 server)

Failed to Install
by alan2308, March 31, 2018

I'll add CentOS 7.4.1708 to the list of unsupported operating systems. Does anyone know if there is any actually supported systems?

Failed to install
by @ndres, July 31, 2016

Failed to install module from /tmp/nagios-admin.wbm : Module nagios-admin does not support this operating system (CentOS Linux 7.2.1511)

Failed to install
by rex007can, August 31, 2012

Failed to install uploaded module : Module nagios-admin does not support this operating system (CentOS Linux 6.3) Does this thing install on anything?

Does not work with CentOS 5.8
by Baminge, June 30, 2012

Failed to install uploaded module : Module nagios-admin does not support this operating system (CentOS Linux 5.8)

Does not work with Ubuntu 8.04 LTS
by amccollough, July 31, 2011

Tried installing it, got this: Failed to install uploaded module : Module nagios-admin does not support this operating system (Ubuntu Linux 8.04.2)

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Project Stats
2.1 (10)