


NConf is a PHP based web-tool for configuring the Nagios monitoring software. It differs from similar tools by offering enterprise-class features like templates, service to hostgroup assignment, dependencies and the ability to configure a large-scale, distributed Nagios server topology.

Current Version


Last Release Date


Compatible With

  • Nagios 3.x


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Project Notes
The main NConf features include:
  • effortlessly maintain a distributed Nagios topology
  • user-friendly web-GUI based on jQuery
  • host & service templates
  • service to hostgroup assignment
  • host- & service-dependencies, auto-generated service dependencies
  • graphical parent/child relationship viewer
  • multiple authentication modes (LDAP, AD, SQL, local)
  • deployment mechanism supports multiple protocols (SCP, rsync, HTTPs, local)
  • Nagios config import
  • CSV file import / export
  • Perl database API
  • data schema customizable and extendable via the GUI
  • runs on Linux / Apache / PHP / MySQL
Reviews (12) Add a Review
by ckujau, July 31, 2018

No longer maintained - I don't understand why this is still a "featured" Nagios configuration tool?

Great... but no longer being developed
by dhedlund, December 31, 2016

I've used NConf for a long time, and while not quite perfect, it does an excellent job. It works great on Ubuntu 14.04 and Nagios Core 4.2. It doesn't seem to like PHP 7, so I've had a tougher time getting this to work on Ubuntu 16.04. The website says NConf is not being actively developed, but I'm hoping that changes. At the moment, I'm looking for something to replace NConf, due to the development inactivity, but personally haven't found something I like more.

Is this project being worked on?
by Visolara, September 30, 2015

Would love to use this tool, but the instructions are not current and do not work with CentOS/RedHat 7. Any change this can be updated? Thanks!

not recommanded
by suyashjain, January 31, 2014

It was night mare to import the existing configuration. A lot of improvements are required, it might be good for new nagios installation.

not deleting
by chappers, October 31, 2013

FYI - resolved issue with items not deleting. delete_item.php removes value from ConfigItems table but not from ConfigValues. Leaves orphaned objects in database. other than that, most other issues mentioned are fixable with correct permissions... add the following lines to delete_item.php before the if statement on line 78 $query = 'DELETE FROM ConfigValues WHERE fk_id_item='.$id; $result = db_handler($query, "result", "Delete entry");

by su007, July 31, 2013

Went through the installer, and installed fine with user and no password, then refused to work without using a password. Fine, set a password and it starts out assuming you are starting a new deployment, importing is very manual, and I immediately had problems with importing my config. Great idea but I will keep looking.

Nagios 3.4.1 Setup?
by mroell, July 31, 2012

Generating the config file is a big issue. I've tried to change the path to the binary to no avail. Here is the massage that I keep getting "Error accessing or executing Nagios / Icinga binary" I'm using Ubuntu 12.04.

Not Able to Delete Host
by sukanta, May 31, 2012

Plugins is very powerful but bot able to use as after deleting the host it is not getting deleted from Mysql & giving error "Could not find any host matching 'hplj2605dn'" during Config Generation. Pl inform the option to delete ant host permanently through nconf.. Thanks in advance..

NRPE config editor
by nagiospig, March 31, 2012

If this tool offered a way to edit remote nrpe.cfg files, then it would be great. Other than that, its not much different than other tools out there.

Re: The start of something great? by ecarlseen
by nconf, December 31, 2011

I am happy to announce that NConf release 1.3 will now allow service to hostgroup assignments, as well as assigning a service to multiple hosts. The issues you mentioned are therefore solved.

nconf service hostgroup assignment
by ddobre, September 30, 2011

I'm trying to use nconf for 271 host monitoring. Importing nagios existing conf was not so easy, specially with "parents" property -- parent hosts must be defined first. I had a big problem because used to assign services to hostgroups and this is not possible through nconf default install. Found a workaround: define a new attribute to for class service. - go to Attributes - add "hostgroups" attribute: + Nagios-specific attribute name: hostgroups + friendly name (will be shown in GUI): Hostgroups + description, example or help-text: + attribute belongs to class: service + choose attribute datatype: assign_many + items of class to be assigned: hostgroup + list of possible values (separated by "::"): + attribute is mandatory?: no + attribute is visible?: yes + write attribute to configuration?: yes + ordering: 4 + naming attribute?: no However, the service is still assigned to a host and not sure about "collateral damage". Anyway, this is the power and flexibility of nconf: use a dynamic structure. Dragos

The start of something great?
by ecarlseen, June 30, 2010

(v1.2.6, as of June 24, 2010) I really want to like NConf. The user interface is well-thought out, and shows a lot of polish. The installation is easy. That being said, it's not ready for prime-time. Particularly crippling is the inability to assign multiple hosts or any hostgroups to a service - services must be assigned individually to each host. Even in a small installation, this is unacceptable. There are some other rough edges, such as buggy and poorly documented behavior when storing passwords in an encrypted format. This isn't meant to slam the NConf team - they're off to a great start. But for now, if you're managing more than a half dozen hosts you're better off someplace else.

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Project Stats
3.6 (25)