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1. DESCRIPTION Arana Theme Style v1.0 is a skin for Nagios 3.X. Original stylesheets and original icons have been modified to provide a different presentation…
Downloads: Latest Tarball : Download Nagios V-Shell View CHANGELOG Documentation: Documentation on installing and using V-Shell can be found here. Install documentation is also included…
Installation Instructions: Move the existing 'stylesheets' and 'images' folders aside for safekeeping, then expand the exfoliation tarball. That's it! For example, cd /opt/nagios/share mv stylesheets…
Description : Vautour Style is a skin for Nagios Core. Original stylesheets and original icons have been modified to provide a different presentation for the…
using livestatus and the jquery mobile framework, jNag is an amazingly 'applike' mobile browser interface for nagios. There's also a free App available from the…
Se homepage for more information: Example frontend included. Supports warningsounds on events. You can install MNTOS by running the following commands in the command…
Demo Video Documentation: Using The BPI Addon To Upgrade on Nagios XI: -IMPORTANT: Back up your bpi.conf file or you will lose all of your…
The main NConf features include: effortlessly maintain a distributed Nagios topology user-friendly web-GUI based on jQuery host & service templates service to hostgroup assignment host-…
Gives you a birdseye view of host and service states. * Criticals and warnings are shown in tiles with meaningful background colors. * Extra information…
This is my test description.
check o365 License usage prerequisites This script uses theses libs : REST::Client, Data::Dumper, Monitoring::Plugin, File::Basename, JSON, Readonly, URI::Encode to install them type : (sudo) cpan…
Download both the plugin and yaml file. Edit the yaml file to include either the FQDN or IP address of the nagios instance where the… 1.0.1 This nagios plugin is free software, and comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. It may be used, redistributed and/or modified under the terms of…
Another but minimalistic disk check/status plugin. This script will show only local file-systems, local partitions are sorted from the most in use (as occupancy). Generic…
Simple script shell (dash) to check/monitor the mysql-router status (as service) and connection (as cluster). Default mysql-router ports are 6446 and 6447 (edit the script…
This simple but effective script shell (dash) will return detailed information about the status of an InnoDB Cluster node, including status (online, recovering, offline, etc...),…
check redfish api Nagios check hardware health via redfish API has been tested on lenovo xcc, dell idrac. It may work on other brand. prerequisites… 2.0.0 This nagios plugin is free software, and comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. It may be used, redistributed and/or modified under the terms of…
This is a Nagios plugin that monitors the version of NCPA installed on a Windows system, using PowerShell, and lets you know if it is…
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